
The voice of the recreational marine industry worldwide




ICOMIA represents the voice of the recreational boating industry worldwide. We have been the focal point of the industry since 1967.

This site brings together a number of resources useful to any one wishing to know more about the boating industry throughout the world. ICOMIA’s multiple committees address the issues challenging our industry and benefit from our truly global membership.


No less than 34 national federations across the world are full members of ICOMIA today. Our members include the vast majority of the industrialised countries from North America across to Japan and from Finland down to New Zealand. If your national boating industry federation is a full member of ICOMIA, we will also actively represent you as a member of the boating industry.

ICOMIA – the International Council of Marine Industry Associations – presents a strong and united voice in representing the industry’s best interests when dealing with international authorities and major organisations.



Copyright 2012 The voice of the recreational marine industry worldwide. Marinas do Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados
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